Employer Testimonials

Shigeto Kayane

Global R&D Human Capital Development
Kao Corporation

Kao Laboratories started accepting international interns through Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 10 years ago. Two years ago, JETRO pulled the international internship program and we have worked with The Canada-Japan Co-op Program directly since then because JETRO recommended The Program. We were not sure if we could handle the internship program without assistance from JETRO. However, we are now very happy with high level of services The Canada-Japan Co-op Program provides and most importantly excellent students like Rosabel and Amelia who accepted an internship position at Kao, tried their best to learn Japanese culture and our company and diligently worked with us. As a result, the department is willing to accept another intern every year. In fact, we are in the process of developing international working environment, but we believe that this internship program is a great opportunity for globalization of business at Kao Corporation.

茅根 滋人 


Akisato Kimura

Research Scientist
Media Information Laboratory, NTT Communication Science Laboratories
NTT Corporation

NTT Communication Science Laboratories has accepted internship students from the Canada-Japan Co-op Program (CJCP) every year for many years. As a research supervisor, I have carried out several research projects with four internship students from the CJCP thus far. All of them came to Japan during their third or fourth year in university. Their excellent academic abilities and strong motivation allowed us to achieve a great number of significant results. Many of these results have been presented in international conferences and journal papers, which provided some internship students with a foothold in their research activities. Our laboratories mainly conduct basic research in the areas of computer and human science, and therefore many internship students, postdocs, and guest researchers from various countries have visited and stayed in our laboratories. This comfortable working environment for students and researchers from other countries seems to have a positive effect on not only their work, but also their private lives. I think the CJCP brings both host companies and internship students a considerable amount of benefits. I sincerely wish the CJCP continued outstanding success. Finally, I would like to say special thanks to the program assistant, Ms. Yuko Nemoto, and all the internship students from the CJCP for working with us: Clement, Derek, Robert, Alex, and Lucky.

木村 昭悟
日本電信電話株式会社 コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 メディア情報研究部


Toshikazu Takemori

Executive Researcher
Energy Technology Laboratories
Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.

Osaka Gas Energy Technology Laboratories has been accepting students from The Canada-Japan Co-op Program for the last several years. Since they have tackled research themes and proposed solutions with their unique, original thoughts, we are looking forward to seeing their achievements which are sometimes beyond our expectations. On the other hand, they can obtain expertise and skills from our researchers, and in their private lives they can be in touch with traditional Japanese cultures in Kyoto and Nara, or with modern cultures in Osaka and Kobe. We really hope that this program further develop and keep providing good opportunities for both Japanese companies and Canadian interns.

竹森 利和 
エグゼクティブ リサーチャー 


Ms. Harumi Kurihara

Human Resources Department,
Human Development Group Chief
Azbil Corporation (formerly Yamatake Corporation)

Yamatake Corporation first accepted an intern from Sherbrooke University in 1996. We have been accepting a few students every year from US, UK, Germany and other countries and the number of students is over 50 since 1996.

Unlike other countries contacting every single student and university, The Canada-Japan Co-op Program is a Canadian national internship program, and it is more beneficial for both students and us that Canada-Japan Co-op students have been selected in Canada to meet our internship themes.

In 2007, we accepted Jeremy Lin from The Canada-Japan Co-op Program and I believe he enjoyed not only internship experience with us but also cultural experience in Japan. We would like him to let people in Canada know about Japan as a cultural ambassador upon his return to Canada. Thank you for your hard work for one year with Yamatake

アズビル株式会社 (旧 株式会社山武) 

1996年にSherbrooke大学のLouisを迎えたのが我が社に於けるインターンシップの始まりでした。以降数名から多い年は10名を超える学生を米国・英国・独逸等から受け入れ、その数は50名を超えました。他国と違いCanada-Japan Co-op を通して学生を受け入れるので、一校一校と連絡を取る必要が無い上、よりテーマに合致した学生が配されてきます。これは企業にとっても学生本人にとっても喜ばしいことだと思います。 2007年度にR&Dで受け入れたJeremyも就業体験のみならず日本文化を満喫してくれたことと思います。帰国後は親善大使として日本の良い面をカナダの方々に伝えてください。1年間お疲れ様でした。そしてありがとう。

Ms. Makiko Tatsumi

Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International

Co-op Japan students learn about state-of-the-art research and development at ATR, working with leading researchers in robotics and neuroscience. Many of the Co-op students have contributed to research at ATR that has been presented at international conferences or published in academic journals. They return to Canada with new ideas and frequently continue with careers that contribute to research and development of new technology in Canada.


コー・オプ・ジャパン・プログラムの学生は、当社 ATR に於いて、最先端の研究開発に関わり、ロボット工学、神経科学の一流研究者とともに働いています。
多くのコー・オプ・ジャパン・プログラムの学生が ATR での研究に貢献し、 その成果は国際学会や論文誌に発表されています。 学生はカナダ帰国後、新たな発想を携え、カナダにおける最新のテクノロジー研究開発に 貢献しています。


技術企画部主管 山田壮



