Member Education Institution Fees

To support the costs of operating an international co-op program education, institution fees are required. A new model of fees was introduced in 2012 to encourage greater participation levels. The member education intuition fees for 2024/2025 participation are outlined below:

$400 Annual membership includes 1 placement
$800 Annual membership includes 2 placements
$1,200 Annual membership includes 3 placements
$1,500 Annual membership includes 4 placements
$1,800 Annual membership includes 5 or more placements
(Maximum membership/placement fee for one year)

The revised fee structure was incorporated to encourage greater participation for educational institutions and ensure smaller institutions were not deterred from participation.

The fee structure is set for the fiscal year period 2024/2025 (April 2024- March 2025)

It is important to note that all participating institutions will be initially billed a $400 membership fee and an additional invoice will be sent in the third quarter of the fiscal year once placements have been confirmed for the additional fee based on institution placement numbers. Participation in The Canada-Japan Co-op Program does not guarantee student placements in co-op opportunities; the hiring decision is made by the Japanese employer (alike the Canadian Co-op model).

Students who successfully secure co-op opportunities in Japan are required to pay the UBC co-op tuition equivalent of $854.75 per academic term (effective May 1, 2024).

Membership and student’s co-op tuition cover the operational costs of the nationally based Canada-Japan Co-op Program office including: the full-time salary of a bi-lingual Program Coordinator, overhead including telephone, couriers, marketing and site visits.

Conference calls are conducted per term with consortium members to update on the progress of the program.

If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities The Canada-Japan Co-op Program can provide your educational institution, or would like to arrange a meeting with The Canada-Japan Co-op Program Coordinator, Yuko Nemoto, please email